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Guatemalan Girls: The Value of Our Voices

HELP A GIRL OUT! Indigenous Guatemalan girls are at risk of living in crippling poverty unless they stay in school longer and learn the lifesaving skills of reading, writing and critical thinking. Child Aid’s afterschool girls’ program bolsters confidence and supports female students’ academic progress with focused reading and writing projects. Our after-school girls’ programs are led by indigenous women staffers who serve as valuable role models. Your generosity makes a huge difference in the lives of Guatemalan girls.

Join our Girls Voices Campaign

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Be The Reason She Raises Her Hand in Class

When Child Aid first launched our Girls’ after-school enrichment program called The Value of Our Voices, we planned to place it in one school supporting a dozen girls. Months later, more than 400 girls in 25 schools signed up. Guatemalan girls and their parents are so enthusiastic for a program that helps female students gain confidence, interact with Child Aid staffers who serve as valuable role models and read books about strong female leaders. Demand for this program outpaces our budget. That’s where YOU come in.

We need your support to keep offering indigenous girls an important after-school program that helps them gain confidence and stay in school longer. Please buy a book. Donate a structured writing journal. Purchase training materials or pay for a Child Aid staff member to lead these programs. However you give, we know you’ll be the reason a Guatemalan girl raises her hand in class today. Donate now!

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